Once, there was a little girl who went in a beautiful castle, on a pretty horse. Everything was so magical, everything was so right,it was simply living on heaven. Then came one fine day, when she found a secret passage in a hardly noticeable corner, and then everything changed. The minute her curiosity led her to push open the door to the passage way, her life...... started changing....
Have you ever lived in a world full of people, but it just feels so lonely?
Here's day 2/5 of my Taiwan trip. Going to make it as short as possible. So, we started the day going to Beitou Thermal Valley
Aunty Betty, Yock Yen and myself.
The world's most irritating, yet loving boyfriend
Proceeded to Yang Ming Shan to spend our entire afternoon.
Settled comfortably at the museum-like (Till now I also don't really know whats it... LOL) and bought eggs boiled with tea leaves to keep ourselves warm.
Here's an animation of us doing the same pose, yez, we were bored.
Oh gosh, I need to stop here as it's time for project discussion! Ciaoz and sry for the abrupt ending.
So here it is, my first day of school after the holidays.
First time taking a night flight(I know I very suaku(mountain tortoise)), checked in early and had enough time for a meal at Burger King and to walk around in the departure area.
Yock Yen and myself while walking to the boarding gate
Still stoked for our trip, all of us took a super long walk to our boarding gate (which happens to be the last gate.... right at the end). Boarding was rather fast and we settled down quickly. Gonna show you how stoked I was.
As soon as the plane took flight, I snoozed. HAHA, I know i'm super random but well, I do fall asleep anywhere and anytime as long as I feel sleepy. Landed at approximately 6 in the morning, I took quite awhile to be accustomed to the weather over at Taiwan. Boy, the airport looks very much cleaner and nicer since then last I came.
We met our friendly driver Mr Lim who helped load our luggages and settled us in his oh-so-comfy van. We headed for breakfast at some roadside shop. Soya bean drink, you tiao, omelette, carrot cake, buns, etc.
Our next destination was 野柳地质公园 (Yehliu Geopark). It was not only windy but cold and raining(to worsen matters) and we were half the mind of returning to the van. Then again, we thought, since we're already there and it would be time-wasting if we were to make another trip over, we decided to brave the cold. Personally, I've been there and felt that it was worth my time spent there, I encouraged the rest to take a short tour there and see what it was about.
The rest waited in the middle while Boyf and myself decided to take a walk in further. Did not manage to walk till the end (where I felt was the prettiest) as it was raining and the crowd was jostling their way through the narrow route in. Me being me, I hated to walk on slippery platforms with no proper space, so we headed back to where the rest of them were.
Next, we headed to some ape shape mountain. Didn't really know what it was called in mandarin.
You guys can just ignore my dreadful looking face.(The rain, weather and all caused it). Then we went for some gold-hunting (=.=)" I have the slightest idea why we decided to walk up the trail. We stopped halfway as the rain was a mood-spoiler and we were all rather worn-out.
The map of the trail
Hungry, the driver brought us to 九份 to shop and have our lunch. I searched the entire area for the hill-top restaurant that my family and I visited years back when we came to Taipei. Finally found it but it was a pity the rain and wind was too strong that they closed the balcony door and it would be unbearably chilly if we were to head out to the balcony. ALL of us ordered hotpot as it was the best choice to consume during such cold weather.
Walked around before heading to 十分老街to release the lit lanterns with our well wishes.
Yez the fellow took such a glam photo of me with my spaz-ed eyes
And we saw the train! Just like what 那些年,我们一起追的女孩 showed!
Gahahaha okay that was lame. but we don't really get to see this in Singapore, do we? After we released the lanterns, we finallllllllllllllllllllllly proceeded to our hotel. Rooms were relatively small, but I felt it was enough as I didn't really like the idea of staying in a HUGE room. (K, i scaredy cat lo) Unpacked a little of my necessities before heading out to Xi Men Ding (西門町) for dinner and to shop around. Had Ramen for dinner.
Ended the night kinda early and when I was back in my room, I started packing and preparing for the next day. (K, kiasu me is kiasu when I'm in foreign land whether holiday or not k)
Shall end the post with my very cute photo of my dear Minfy.
Time passes so fast am I'm currently in my last semester of my poly life. Seems like just yesterday when my super rowdy friends and I "studied" for our term tests, procrastinate together during project discussions and all. Through the good times and the bad, we all made it through to the final semester of our poly studies.
Unfortunately, we were all separated ONLY FOR THE LAST SEM (like whutttt....) I wanna spend my final sem with them :( but well, the first half of the sem has passed within a blink of an eye and now what's bothering me is, what am I going to do on my next phase of life? Uni? Yeah, definitely as my mom is firm with her stand that she MUST put me through uni. (Dangggggg..)

Many of my friends started studying uni right after their tertiary education, some, decided to work before making any plans for their education. Me? Can I YOLO? (Hahaha kidding, mom will tell me to pack my bag and YOLO myself outside (-.-)")
Anyways, on the serious note, am still deciding on the course I would like to take up and..... Guys, any suggestion what I should take up, or what you guys think suits me? (Text me and tell me what you think!!!!!)
Kk blah blah blah stop blabbering on and on. It's 11.40a.m on a Saturday and it's so unlike you to be awake on a Saturday, and THIS early (keke hehe haha)
Adios guys, be back soon for my next round of blabbering.
It has definitely been the longest time I left this space empty, simply because I got bored or blogging. Well, the entire 2013 was full of ups and downs (yeah, like any other years). But as it goes, life still goes on right? Ha ha!
Still not accustomed to blogging out my thoughts and heartfelt moments
YET, I shall let the photos depict how my 2013 was! *PS, it's mostly birthday celebrations.*
Birthday celebrations with girlfs
Birthday celebration with Soo family!
Meet up with the girls
After final judging.
Mabelle's 20th!
Glenn's 24th
Yuexin's 20th!
Baby's birthday at Phuture!
End of intern!!! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy!
Chloe and myself at Bianca's 1st!
Deanna's house warming
Chloe's grandma's birthday
Aunty Betty's Birthday!
Clubbing at BKK with Qianning
Deanna's 21st Birthday!
Chloe's birthday collage
Okay, that's all for the night! I shall carry on soon (I hope!)